Mes commandes

How to place an order?

To place an order on ASICS Mining, follow these simple steps:

  • Select the Miner of your choice and add it to your cart.
  • Access your shopping cart, check the selected items, and click "Skip order."
  • Complete your delivery and payment information safely.
  • Confirm your order and you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your purchase.

How do I follow my order?

When you made your order on ASICS Mining, we understand that you are looking forward to receiving your Miner. To follow the progress of your order, follow these simple steps:

  • Order confirmation: After successfully placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing all the details of your purchase, including the order number and the selected items.
  • Package tracking number: As soon as your order is shipped, we will send you another email containing your parcel tracking number. This number will allow you to track the delivery status of your order.
  • Follow us on our website: Visit the ASICS Mining website and connect to your customer account. Go to the "Follow My Order" section where you can enter your parcel tracking number and get real-time updates on the location of your Miner.
  • Follow-up via the delivery service: You can also use the parcel tracking number to follow your order via the delivery service we chose for the shipment. In general, you can access the follow-up directly on the carrier's site.
  • Delivery Time: Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. If you opted for express delivery, you will likely receive your order faster.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the follow-up of your order, please feel free to contact our customer service by e-mail at or by phone. Our team will be pleased to help you track your package and answer all your questions about your order. We are committed to providing you with a transparent and satisfactory purchase experience at ASICS Mining.

What to do in case of a problem with my order?

At ASICS Mining, we strive to offer you a successful purchase experience. However, if you encounter a problem with your order, our team is here to help you. Here are the steps to be followed in case of problem:


  • Contact our customer service: If you encounter a problem with your order, contact our customer support team as soon as possible. You can contact us by e-mail at or by phone. Our advisors are ready to assist you and solve your problem as soon as possible.


  • Describe the problem: When you contact our customer service, please provide detailed information on the problem you encounter with your order. The more accurate you will be in your description, the better we can bring you a suitable solution.


  • Responding: After contacting our team, we will reply as soon as possible. Our goal is to provide you with a quick and personalized response to your problem effectively.


  • Possible solutions: Depending on the nature of the problem, our team will provide you with different solutions to your situation. This may include a refund, product replacement, or other appropriate corrective actions.


  • Follow-up to your request: We undertake to keep you informed of the progress of your request and the actions undertaken to solve your problem. Our customer service remains at your disposal to answer all your questions throughout the process.


At ASICS Mining, we value your satisfaction and strive to treat all problems with diligence and responsibility. Do not hesitate to contact us if necessary, we are here to offer you assistance and solve any problems related to your order. Your trust is essential to us, and we will do everything we can to offer you a positive and pleasant shopping experience.

Where's my order number?

To find your order number on ASICS Mining, follow these simple steps:


  • Order confirmation: When you placed your order on our site, you received a confirmation email containing all the information about your purchase. Your order number is included in this email, and it is essential for any further follow-up or assistance. Think about checking your email spams.


  • Order History: Log in to your customer account on ASICS Mining. Once connected, go to the "Order History" or "My Orders" section" You will find a list of all your orders placed, including your order number associated with each purchase.


  • Purchase bill: You can also find your order number on your purchase invoice. The order number is usually indicated at the top or bottom of the invoice.


  • Customer Service: If you can't find your order number despite these steps, do not hesitate to contact our customer service. Our team will be pleased to provide your order number and help you in all your steps.


Your order number is an essential reference to track the delivery status of your parcel, request information about your purchase or any other request related to your order. Make sure you keep it safe and keep it at hand for any communication with our team. At ASICS Mining, we are committed to providing you with a smooth and pleasant shopping experience, and we are here to assist you in every step of your shopping journey.

Then I place an order without creating a customer account?

To place an order on ASICS Mining, creating a customer account is necessary. We encourage our customers to create an account to facilitate their shopping experience and offer them exclusive benefits.


Here's why you can't place an order without creating a customer account:

  1. Security of information : The creation of a customer account allows us to protect your personal information and guarantee the confidentiality of your data. Your delivery and payment details are stored securely for transactions with confidence.
  2. Control monitoring : By creating an account, you can easily track your order status, access your purchase history and get real-time updates on your delivery.
  3. Custom customer service : A customer account allows us to offer you personalized service and assistance tailored to your needs. Our team is at your disposal to answer your questions and accompany you throughout your shopping journey.
  4. Exclusive benefits : By creating a customer account, you can benefit from exclusive benefits such as special offers, discounts, and promotions reserved for members.


Creating a customer account on ASICS Mining is simple and fast. Just provide some basic information such as your name, email address, and password. Once registered, you can take full advantage of our online store, discover our selection of Miners, and place orders with ease.

At ASICS Mining, we value the satisfaction of our customers, and creating a customer account is an essential way to offer you an optimal and personalized purchase experience. Feel free to create your account now and explore our store to find the Miner that will meet your cryptocurrency mining needs.

What does it mean waiting for reprovision?

"Waiting replenishment" means that our shop has met a strong demand for a specific product, resulting in a temporary stock shortage. In response to this high demand, we immediately reordered our supplier to restock us in sufficient quantities to satisfy all our customers.

We understand how much this product is wanted and we try to make it available again as quickly as possible. However, resupply times may vary depending on the delivery times of our supplier and other logistics factors. We assure you that we make every effort to speed up the process and offer you this quality product as soon as it is available.

If you wish to be informed as soon as the product is back in stock, you can register to our waiting list by providing your e-mail address. You will then receive a notification as soon as the product is again available for purchase.

We thank you for your understanding and patience. We are committed to offering you a quality service and to providing you with the products you are looking for. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your order or replenishment of this specific product. We are here to assist you and offer you the best possible shopping experience at home.

Can I order by phone?

You can order by phone at ASICS Mining. We understand that some customers prefer to speak directly to an advisor to order or ask questions before finalizing their purchase. To order by phone, follow these simple steps:


  1. Call our customer service : You can contact us by phone at the number indicated on our website or in our contact details. Our competent customer support team will be pleased to help you in your purchase process.
  2. Prepare the necessary information : Before calling, make sure you have the details of the product you want to order, including its name, its reference number, and all the options or variants you want.
  3. Proceed to your order : Once in communication with our team, explain the product you want to buy and provide all the information you need to complete the order.
  4. Payment and confirmation : Our customer service representative will guide you through the payment process and provide you with an order confirmation once the transaction is finalized.


Ordering by telephone offers the advantage of receiving direct and personalized assistance from our customer support team. If you have specific questions about a product, concerns about the online order process, or just prefer to talk to a representative to make your purchase, we are here to help you.

We are committed to offering our customers a pleasant and fluid shopping experience, whether online or by phone. Feel free to contact us by phone if you need help placing an order or if you have additional questions about our products and services. We are here to provide you with all the necessary assistance in your shopping journey at ASICS Mining.

How do I cancel my order?

To cancel your order at ASICS Mining, please follow these steps:

  • Contact our customer service: As soon as you decide to cancel your order, it is important to contact us as soon as possible. You can contact us by phone at the number indicated on our website or by email at If you have created a customer account on our site, you can also send a cancellation request from the "My Orders" section of your account.


  • Provide details of your order: When you contact our customer service, make sure that you provide the necessary information to identify your order, such as the order number, your name, and the email associated with your purchase. This information will allow us to locate your order in our system.


  • Cancellation request: Inform our team that you wish to cancel your order. If your order has not yet been processed or shipped, we will generally be able to cancel it without problems. However, if your order is already being processed, we will do everything we can to cancel the transaction before the shipment.


  • Cancellation confirmation: Once our customer service has processed your cancellation request, you will receive an email confirmation. If your order is successfully cancelled, the total amount of your purchase will be refunded according to the payment method you used during the purchase. Refund may take a few business days depending on the processing time of your bank.


It is important to note that if your order has already been shipped at the time of your cancellation request, you will need to follow our return policy to return the product and obtain a refund or exchange.

At ASICS Mining, we are working hard to quickly process cancellation requests and provide effective assistance to our customers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the cancellation of your order, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you at any time and make sure you have a satisfactory shopping experience at home.

An item of my order is not available

Si un article de votre commande chez ASICS Mining n'est pas disponible, nous comprenons à quel point cela peut être décevant. Nous nous excusons pour ce désagrément et nous ferons de notre mieux pour résoudre la situation rapidement et efficacement.


Voici les étapes à suivre si un article de votre commande n'est pas disponible :


  1. Notification d'indisponibilité : Si un article est en rupture de stock au moment de passer votre commande, notre système devrait normalement vous avertir avant la finalisation de l'achat. Cela vous permettra de prendre une décision éclairée quant à la poursuite de votre commande avec les articles disponibles ou de retirer l'article indisponible de votre panier.
  2. Contactez notre service client : Si vous découvrez qu'un article n'est pas disponible après avoir passé votre commande, nous vous conseillons de contacter notre service client dès que possible. Vous pouvez nous joindre par téléphone au numéro indiqué sur notre site web ou par e-mail à Expliquez la situation et fournissez les détails de votre commande, notamment le numéro de commande et l'article concerné.
  3. Options de résolution : Notre équipe de support client travaillera avec vous pour trouver la meilleure solution possible. Selon la disponibilité de l'article, nous pourrions proposer de vous rembourser le montant de l'article manquant, de le remplacer par un produit similaire ou de vous informer de la date prévue de réapprovisionnement. Si vous choisissez d'attendre la réapprovisionnement, nous vous informerons dès que l'article sera à nouveau disponible pour que vous puissiez prendre une décision.
  4. Suivi de la situation : Notre équipe vous tiendra informé de l'avancement de la résolution. Nous nous engageons à vous fournir une assistance transparente et à vous tenir au courant de tout changement ou mise à jour concernant votre commande.


Nous comprenons à quel point il est important pour vous de recevoir tous les articles que vous avez commandés. Nous nous efforçons de mettre à jour régulièrement notre inventaire et de vous fournir des informations précises sur la disponibilité des produits.

Cependant, en raison de la demande parfois imprévisible et de la nature des stocks, des situations d'indisponibilité peuvent survenir. Soyez assuré que nous mettons tout en œuvre pour minimiser ces cas et pour offrir une expérience d'achat agréable et satisfaisante à tous nos clients. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou préoccupation concernant votre commande ou les produits que vous souhaitez acheter. Nous sommes là pour vous aider à tout moment.

I wish to modify an item of my order

If you wish to modify an item from your order at ASICS Mining, we understand that your needs can evolve or that you may have made an error when selecting. We are here to help you make the necessary modifications to your order to the extent possible.


Here are the steps to be taken to modify an item of your order:


  1. Contact our customer service: As soon as you realize that you need to modify an item of your order, contact our customer service without delay. You can contact us by phone at the number indicated on our website or by email at Please provide the details of your order, including the order number and the items you wish to modify.
  2. Change request: Explain to our customer support team what items you want to change and clearly indicate which items should be added, removed or replaced in your order. If the item you wish to add is in stock, we will generally be able to do so without problems.
  3. Confirmation of amendment: Our customer support team will inform you if the required changes are feasible. If the items you wish to add are available, we will update your order accordingly. If price adjustments are required due to the changes, we will also inform you of any cost changes.
  4. Additional payment or refund: Depending on the changes made to your order, you may need to pay a supplementary amount for added items or receive a refund for withdrawn items. Our team will guide you to make any additional payment or manage the refund if necessary.
  5. Follow your modified order: Once we have made the changes to your order, our team will provide you with a confirmation of the new order. You can follow the delivery status of your modified order as you would do for any other order.


Please note that the modification options depend on the processing status of your order and the availability of the items you wish to add. If your order has already been shipped, it may not be possible to make changes and you will need to follow our return policy for any adjustments.


At ASICS Mining, we strive to meet the needs of our customers and offer them a satisfactory shopping experience. Do not hesitate to contact us for any necessary changes to your order or if you have any additional questions. Our team is here to assist you and make sure you are fully satisfied with your purchase at home.