I forgot my password. How to reset it?

If you have forgotten your password on ASICS Mining, don't worry, you can easily reset it by following these simple steps:


  1. Access the login page: Visit the ASICS Mining login page.
  2. Click "Forgot password": You should see a link or button called "Forgot password" near the password field. Click on it to access the password reset process.
  3. Enter your E-mail address: You will be invited to enter the email address associated with your ASICS Mining account. Make sure to enter the correct email address to receive the reset instructions.
  4. Check your Reception Box: After submitting your e-mail address, check your inbox. You should receive an email containing a link or password reset code.
  5. Click on the Link or Enter the Code: Follow the email instructions and click on the provided link or enter the reset code in the page that appears.
  6. Reset your Password: Once on the password reset page, choose a new secure password and enter it twice to confirm it.
  7. Save the Changes: Register the changes to finalize the reset of your password.


Once these steps are completed, your password will be reset and you will be able to connect to your ASICS Mining account using the new password you have chosen.

We recommend choosing a strong password, consisting of a combination of letters, numbers and special characters, to enhance the security of your account. If you encounter problems when you reset your password, do not hesitate to contact our customer service that will be pleased to help you solve the problem.